A dual redundant timing system provides the user with a primary and secondary source of time, frequency and/or pulses. If at any time a failure occurs with the primary GPS Receiver a switch of the primary’s output signals will occur automatically to the secondary ORCA GPS system. Below is a dual redundant timing system using two ORCA Model TTGM-101B GPS Receivers and an ORCA Model SMS-101 System Matrix Switch distribution amplifier. What would cause a failure of a primary system? Loss of synchronization source due to a cut cable or antenna failure. Power supply/electronic component failure of the instrument. Who read more
PTP to IRIG Conversion
As technology evolves, especially in today’s military test ranges and power utilities, changes are implemented throughout the world. One such change is a transition from legacy timing known as IRIG (Inter-Range Instrumentation Group) to network centric timing solutions known as either NTP (Network Time Protocol) or PTP (Precision Time Protocol), with PTP being more precise. Some of the many reasons these test ranges, power utilities and others are transitioning to a network centric timing solution is to help save in cost, to provide overall better accuracy, to improve accessibility and to increase overall distribution efficiency. This change allows all of read more
Time & Frequency Basics Presentation
Including a brief refresher o GNSS Time Frequency Basics Download page
A Boundary-Clock Type System for Range Applications
A boundary clock is an IEEE 1588 component that allows the synchronization of IEEE 1588v2 clocks across subnets defined by a router or other devices that blocks the transmission of all IEEE 1588 messages. A boundary clock serves to eliminate the large fluctuations in communication latency typically generated by routers and similar devices. A profile is a set of allowed Precision Time Protocol (PTP) features applicable to a device. IEEE-1588/PTP Boundary Clocks have been used in telecommunications synchronization systems for several years utilizing the Telecom Profile of IEEE-1588v2. Extending the network reach and improving synchronization performance is also a requirement read more